
Is My Partner Cheating on Me?
Discovering that your partner has been unfaithful can evoke a range of emotions. From anger and sadness to guilt and betrayal, it’s natural to experience a whirlwind of feelings.
It’s important to acknowledge that immediately after learning about infidelity, it can be challenging to think clearly. Pause for a moment to contemplate the present state of your relationship.
What are the tell-tales of infidelity?
- Increased secrecy or guarding of their phone and personal belongings.
- Sudden changes in their daily routine or unexplained absences.
- Decreased intimacy or emotional distance.
- Unusual or unexplained expenses and financial discrepancies.
- Changes in their appearance or grooming habits.
- Excessive defensiveness or overreacting to simple questions about their activities.
Discovering that your partner has been unfaithful can be an incredibly challenging and emotional experience. Take time to process your emotions. Allow yourself the space to process these feelings and seek support from trusted friends or family members.
Consider seeking the guidance of a couples therapist or counsellor or a psychic like me, who can help facilitate productive communication and provide guidance on how to navigate the aftermath of infidelity.
Take the time to carefully evaluate your options and consider whether rebuilding trust and continuing the relationship is a viable path, or if it may be best to go your separate ways. It can be helpful to seek guidance from trusted sources to determine the most suitable path for moving forward in your life.
– Madame Shan
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